Because Seoga & Cook is simply the best

  • Nov
  • 0
I must say, I have never tasted such awesome pasta in my life. After eating in Seoga & Cook, I would NEVER EVER go back to those shitty chains like Pastamania.

Why can't any restaurants in Singapore cook these western food as well as Seoga & Cook in Korea? After all, Korea isn't as much a westernized place as compared to Singapore.

So anyway, you would definitely regret coming to Korea and going back without trying Seoga & Cook. Everyone who has tried Seoga & Cook can vow for its taste!

So thankful that I returned to Seoga & Cook for the second time with a bunch of 7 friends. We could order a variety and I just can't help feeling SO blissful with every mouthful.

Here are the dishes we tried and yes, I am recommending ALL of them.


The cream sauce is super yummy and we just can't get sick of the creaminess at all.

Shrimp Pilaf

The Pilaf is just like fried rice and the flavouring is so good!

Seafood Spaghetti

The soup is just so awesome! It is buttery and sweet in the savoury way. After we were done with the noodles we just slurped the soup up!

Tomato Seafood Risotto

I usually don't like any tomato based dish but I am really impressed with this. Really delicious!

Pork Steak

We also tried something non-pastaish and the pork steak was not bad. I thought the meat was a little tough (good pork should be soft and tender!) but the sauce is really nice! The salad was nice too!

So you heard me right, GO FIND A SEOGA&COOK if you are coming to Korea. There should be one in all of the pops area. I went to one in Sinchon and one in Hongdae.

Will keep going back there for more!